Wildlife Survey

A helicopter survey is most accurate to calculate harvest recommendations for deer and exotics.

Helicopter deer surveys are effectively utilized to obtain buck to doe ratio, fawn production, antler development of bucks, distribution of animals on ranch, and the vegetation condition of the ranch. “An aerial survey provides necessary population data in a short time frame. This information can be utilized to provide harvest recommendations for the entire ranch as well as individual pastures.” –Texas Parks and Wildlife

The most important finding is that helicopter surveys result in a significant undercount of the deer present on a property.

Flown in transect lines, helicopter deer surveys are taken at a 50 ft. elevation through GPS coordination to ensure full coverage of your property during survey.

The Season for Wildlife Surveys runs from September 1st- March 30th

For more information on pricing or procedures, please do not hesitate to drop us a line at info@dragonflyaviationllc.com

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